The VERCO.EVENTS system is a cloud system, organizations can manage events such as start a promotion marketing, ticket selling, event planning, online payment, check-in/check-out at the event placement, …
VERCO.EVENTS provides an application platform based-on cloud services for all event types, special promotion marketing, conference event, sale event, learning event, community event, etc. VERCO.EVENTS help organizations can digital all businesses of events; and provide functions and services to customers, users who are customers or customers wishing to attend the event.
Event organizers can register user accounts and perform professional management and event management tasks such as setting up an event; organize ticket sales and online payment; send notice as email or SMS to customers; control check-in and check-out events of customers … At the same time, provide Mobile application running on smartphones to help customers easily access and participate in events published on VERCO.EVENTS system.
VERCO.EVENTS’s Functions:
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